Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The beginning

Well... here we go. I have started a blog. It is a bit scary to me because when I write my thoughts it is a personal thing. To share that with whoever might read my blog and especially my family (who is probably all that will read this) is scary. I have been thinking about starting a blog for so long and I haven't for many reason but I think that the main reason is that I am afraid of the judgment of others. I don't think I have the most eloquent writing but more then that is that I have different opinions then people I know. Ridiculous! I know. We all have different opinions with every single person we know. At the same time it is liberating to share those thoughts and opinions. So ... here I go. The next problem I have with starting a blog is what do I write about: family happenings, crafting, food, my thoughts on birthing, breastfeeding, and parenting, .... my reasons for wanting to start a blog include writing about all of these things. I have considered creating different blogs but  I don't think I would post enough or be able to keep up with that. So this blog will probably have a little bit of everything.
I am somewhat concerned about privacy issues but I love to read other peoples blogs and love that they are willing to share some of their life and thoughts with others. I think for now I will keep the blog open and just be careful about putting any specifics in here. At the same time I want to be open and honest about my thoughts and opinions on things that are important to me and with who I am. It will be interesting to see where this goes.... Probably no where but here it goes any way... ok.... I'm going to hit publish now...After I put in a picture of my beautiful family
Picture: by Jen at Arches National Park May 2010


Jen M said...

Well i am excited that you have started a blog. Your blog looks great. i'm enjoying it very much! I don't have the best writing my self and I can be pretty sensitive about a lot of things. So we can relate with that. It's great to get things off your chest with a blog. Also if everyone was the same, this world would be boring. Love this picture! Who ever took this is a great photographer..Ha!

beadify said...

Um,you are brave. I don't dare take my two monkeys to Walmart sometimes, and there you are running around national parks! What a woman! :) By the way, I'm stealing a pic of you for my blog, since we forgot to take one together. Thanks!

Janice said...

Cami- I wish we would have got a picture. We will have to be sure to get one when I come to visit in a few months :).
Jen- Thanks for the perspective. So far I am enjoying putting my opinions out there. You took a great photo of us. Thanks for taking the time to do it. We enjoy having pictures of all 4 of us.

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